On 23rd of May 2023 Khandelwal Vaishya Girls Institute of Technology, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur under the joint aegis of Reserve Bank of India was graced by the presence of Mr. Gaurav Dhoot, Manager, Reserve Bank of India, for a seminar on “E-Baat”.Mr. Gaurav Dhoot, Manager, Reserve Bank of India was the Chief Guest and Speaker in the seminar. Mr. Amit Yadav Senior Assistant and Ms. Bhavi Khatri, Assistant, Reserve Bank of India were also present.Dr. Anju Gupta Principal KVGITwelcomed the guests by presenting a bouquet of flowers and addressed the gathering by her motivational and inspirational speech.Mr. Gaurav Dhoot covered topics such as UPI system, Parties to fraud, prerequisites to fraud, types of bank fraud with a guide on how to manage oneself in a similar situation and a few key identifiers and discussed the intricacies of the same.