Despite the fact that Jaipur has some Best Girls colleges in Jaipur however, the amount of girls taking up these fields remains very low. This isn’t due to the fact that women are any less competent than men. The main reason is the higher percentage of girls dropping out of the school. According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) , more than 20.1 percent of girls in Rajasthan quit school instead of attending top universities for girls within the state.
Main Reasons Why Girls do not get into the top Girls’ Colleges which are in Jaipur or Elsewhere
- Female role models are not present in IT to inspire them
- Afraid to join a male-dominated business
- False stereotypes
- Lack of confidence in themselves and self-confidence. themselves
At KVGIT, one of the best girls’ colleges in Jaipur, we are focused on equipping women with proper skills that will help them succeed and build careers in IT.
Five Crucial Reasons Women Should Actively Pursue Technology-Degree
1.Technology jobs will be in high demand.
New technologies like Artificial Intelligence and other that are constantly in the news there are plenty of possibilities for youngsters within the coming years. Jobs in this field are expected to increase to 13% by 2026. It is the ideal time you can join one the Best Girls College in Jaipur as you acquire valuable knowledge for the future.
2.High-paying jobs
By obtaining a technical degree in the field of technology, you can not only set yourself up for a prosperous future but also will be able to access a myriad of career opportunities with high pay. The possibilities are endless in sectors like healthcare, retail as well as finance, auto Food, travel and much more. So why are you waiting? Reach out to the best girls colleges in jaipur to start your way to a successful career.
3.Design and development that is meaningful
An IT-related professional you can be a major influencer with ingenuity and innovation in digital solutions. These solutions are able to solve everyday problems, enhance lives and keep people connected as never before. In order to achieve this it is necessary to have a quality education. So, take the time to study and find the best girls’ college in jaipur.
4.Unbeatable work-from home opportunities
The IT field is great for flexibility. There are benefits to having flexible working hours and working at home and remaining in touch remotely. This helps you make the most of your personal and work life more effectively.
5.Develop a mindset of change and serve as a become a role model for others
With an IT degree, you can help transform your ideas in order to enhance the way businesses operate and even develop solutions that will make a difference within society. Use your IT knowledge to contribute to the world and encourage girls who might be nervous to enter the IT business?
Learn to be a successful career in IT with us
Sign up to KVGIT College, one of the best girls colleges in jaipur. The faculty are experienced, great infrastructure, and an established Bachelor of computer application since the year 2010. We offer undergraduate, postgraduate,hands-on practice and expert guidance. Contact us today to find out more!